Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where I've Been

I feel as though, in order to document where I'm going and what I'm doing, I need to briefly touch base with where I've been in the last year.

This is the last year of my life in 150 words and five pictures. Some events are big, some are small. They are in no real order.

I started college. I was Audrey Hepburn. I was a skunk. I was in love. I went to Canada. I moved into my first apartment. I saw my favorite band live. I saw Bob Dylan live. I repainted a coffee table. I fell into Afram Studies. I fell out of love. I had five first dates in a matter of months. I baked one cake. I baked many cakes. I wrote a 15 page research paper. I took midterms. I took finals. I took a trip to the Oregon Coast. I worked at a library. I worked at an office. I cut all of my hair off. I learned to love in the purest sense. I redecorated. I explored a familiar city. I grew. I am still growing.

Conan O'Brien road trip to Spokane (because Seattle sold out).

 Cannon Beach.

Moving into my first apartment.

Starting college @ UW.

Receiving a much needed postcard from a loved one.

Where have you been in 150 words?

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Dear Janelle,
Blah. Blah. Blah.

With love,